i'm fond of going to second hand bookshops like BookSale. There I dig through their bin full of magazines to look for interesting and informative magazines. As I've stated before, I'm a mag addict... My latest finds are mostly crafting mags... Like CRAFTZINE and CLOTH.PAPER.SCISSORS ... the photo of my copies are shown here. The mags pushed me to do more things craft-related. Looking at the mag stimulates creative juices in me. When my dgcam is fixed i'll be able to post my creations here.
And the funny thing is that its only when I came across these mags that I realized the thing I was doing with old books, altering them, had a name and that its actually considered an art. Since having the books i'm challenged to make my journal more beautiful and cooler
WARNING: They are not the type your grandma digs.. they are cool and simply stimulating. Ultra modern yet timeless. Too bad though I couldnt seem to find them in our bookstores for up to date editions..but if I could find one, maka afford kaya ko?