i'm a music lover..to me music is like food or sleep: it sustains me. It keeps me alive. Without music and shrivel up and die. Eversince, music has been with me. Through the gloomiest, darkest,happiest,highest moments of my life she's there. Music speaks to me like no other. She runs into my blood like drugs...i can go on and on about music because i cant get enough of it.
i'm into rock, jazz...any genre that has depth... basically i go beyond what the radio is playing... i constantly search for anything that speaks to me.
like right now

i'm listening to New Radicals' Someday We'll Know, it reminds me so much of my tumultous years back in high school. This song by the way is the first song which pushed me to buy my first album ever. So if someone will ask me what was the first album i bought it would be Maybe You'd Been Brainwashed Too by the New radicals...too bad though they folded before you can finish saying the album's name. Gregg Alixander was a genius.. his songs were my jutes man. His songs still hits me and makes me look back wistfully at those years when i was battling demons and dragons inside me. Back then what i had were books and the music...i survived.
and the thing is Music will stick with you no matter what so crank up the volume baby...
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