Friday, October 30, 2009

Captured by Camiguin

i went to conquer Camiguin instead, it CONQUERED me.
My friend D and I went to Camiguin's renowned Lanzones Festival. We were disappointed to note that unlike in the years past when Lanzones where given away to onlookers during the street dancing not the Buwahan were so scarce, no thanks to climate change. I learned from the locals that because of the wierd weather patterns the Lanzones season only lasts until September because unlike other fruits the Lanzones cant be picked when its unripe. Dang.
But the island, the beautiful island did not disappoint us. It was amazingly beautiful and breath taking...boy i loss words when recalling the beauty that is Camiguin.
We went to the old church the 16th century church which partly sank after an explotion what was left was the belfry... it was heaven for picture taking. I wished we could've stayed longer, then there's the sunken cemetery which makes one wonder and stand in awe at what angry nature can do, then off we went to the panaad stairs which we decided not to accend anymore for the lack of time, and then there's the Sto. Nino cold springs, and the breath taking Katibawasan, the we-cant-get-enough-of Ardent Hot springs (we went twice and is looking forward to more swims there...) and the sweet discovery that is Enigmata which thrilled as to no end. Thanks so Ate Nelds for touring us around the place. We promised ourselves to go back there and stay longer than the three days we spent there. Which deserved another intire blog entry by the way.
There are places we havent been to yet but i promised the next time i go back there it would be hard core back packing for me...i want to savour its beauty again...i can only understand why the ownew of Enigmata decided to put it there, if i could have the means i'd do the same thing.
I also love the fact that other travelers seemed to be a bit more friendlier in Camiguin probably because the place is so relaxing and small which is not bad at all. Boy i'd love to move there! I will never look at the Camiguin Island's selhouette like i used to before. Sigh* i'm hopelessly in love with the island...
I hope Camiguin wont become an overrated overly commercialized place like in other "touristty" spots. I pray the people of Camiguin will care enough for the treasure that is their island and make it the paradise that it is...

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